KNYtters Unite!
The Casts Off poster:
Look at all 750 of us! That's a lot of knitters (in case you didn't know):
That's Stephanie all the way down there...fuzzy, but what can I tell you?
It's her :-)
I must say, knitters--or all yarn enthusists, are some of the nicest people. While waiting to buy a copy of Stephanie's book, I was chatting with a girl on line behind me and she was in love with my sock yarn (as am I--I made a few coworkers stroke it yesterday because I'm so enamoured of it. They didn't resist--I think they were afraid). I was fawning over her beautiful hand knit shawl (mohair and silk). I aspire to someday knit something like that, and I told her so--but when I told her how long I've been knitting (just over 6 months!), she was pretty impressed that I had forced myself out of a dpn fright. Knitters rock. I don't care what anyone says, we are cool.
I must take this moment to say how incredible my husband is for meeting me at the Represent party--being a non-knitter is reason enough for him to have not gone, but he also spend the better part of the afternoon under the needle getting his tattoo sleeve worked on, so needless to say he was in pain. But he took the train in back from Brooklyn where the tattoo shop is, all the way over to F.I.T., and sat through two hours of knitting wit. He's a good egg. I'm a lucky gal--and so is he since he's the one getting my first pair of socks!
And in related news, here I am knitting my sock on the way to work this morning:
Awesome, thanks for the post yours is the first one I've seen about the launch. I'm so glad to hear it was fun & packed, wish I could have made it but I'll have to wait til she comes home.
Awww, thanks Elan. I'm sure you were there in spirit. It was really a great night and it totally inspired me. The Harlot rocks!
Wow, I really wished I would have gone instead of going to class.
Congrats on knitting with dpns. Watch out, kind of addicting. :)
Tell me about it! I can't put them down...though I'm a little nervous because I'm just about to get to the heel...
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